which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” I teach Romeo and
Juliet to rather reluctant 8th graders every year. I’ve collected
enough materials to probably teach a college course on the play, but no matter
what every year we pause at Juliet’s words here and talk about the power of
names. I ask them to think about it. How much of their personality is connected
to their names? Is Juliet right? Can we simply change someone’s name without it
changing the person? My students and I don’t think so.
Look deeply into any mythology, particularly the
mythology involving the Norse and Celts and we see the power of names so
clearly. The Fae of the Celtic mythos kept their true names secret for if
anyone knew their names they could be commanded. In Ursula K. LeGuin’s EarthSea series we see power tied to
true names. Native Americans changed their names as they grew, preferring to
refer to them as “use names” in some tribes. We too, in modern Western culture,
change our names. How many of us cringe when we hear grandma call us by that
nickname she gave us when we were little bits? I have a cousin who’s over 30 who
many in the family still call “Juice.” Long story.
As authors, we know that the name of a character can be a
very powerful characterization vehicle. Certain names have certain
connotations. If we name a character Damien, there are certain images that go
right along. Now, sometimes we like to throw those preconceptions for a loop,
but we go into naming that character knowing he’s going to be up against some
interesting preconceived notions. Character names also have to be true to the
genre and time period. There’s nothing that throws me out of a book than a
trendy modern name in a period piece. Above all, we need to like the name. If
we don’t like the name or we don’t really see how the name fits the character,
well then we can’t make our readers see
it either.
Naming books too is an interesting and frustrating
process. Just as a character’s moniker is the reader’s first impression of him
or her, the title can very often make or break a sale. There are a lot of
“rules” about titles. Many of them contradictory. Titles should only have six
or fewer syllables—the shorter the title the more intriguing. Now, I admit you
don’t want a title that scrolls across the entire book cover, but I don’t
personally see anything wrong with longer titles. That being said, could “The
Fellowship of the Ring” gotten a pass in today’s marketing world? Or would
Tolkien have been told to shorten it up or at least “punch it up?” I’ve heard
that a lot lately too. “Punch up that title!” What in heaven’s name does that
actually mean? Make it shorter, catchier, or easier to remember?
I struggle with titles. My first novel “Ribbons of
Moonlight,” a time travel romance was easy to name. It was inspired by a poem
and the title was merely a rearranging of one of the common poetic images. That
was a rare exception. When I’m writing a book, the file usually has some sort
of single word working title. My next book, a fantasy, “The Shattered Prism”
due out on June 17th from Solstice Publishing, was much more difficult to title.
It had originally been called “Dark Rainbow’s End,” but I’d expanded the idea
and it transformed from one novel into a trilogy. So, now, not only did I need
three titles, I needed three titles that worked together and I already had one.
I scribbled and scratched out about a dozen title ideas with rainbow or circle
or star imagery in them. The book was finished, ready to be sent out, but I
couldn’t because I wasn’t certain of the title! That’s one of the most
frustrating feelings for a writer.
Unlike Juliet’s assertion that “Romeo would, were he not
Romeo called, retain that dear perfection that he owes”, naming characters and
books can be tricky. Coming up with the idea of the story, the problems the
characters need to face and the end of it all can sometimes be child’s play
compared to figuring out what to call the thing! Names and titles are a
reader’s first impression and we all know that you never get a second chance to
make a good first impression.
Guest Blogger Bio
When I was a kid growing up in the near Chicago
suburbs, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to teach and I wanted to write.
I’d spend hours over the little typewriter Mom and Dad bought for me when I was
little, clattering away at stories and plays I’d wheedle my cousins and brother
into performing. I think I wrote my first “book” in 6th grade and
had a friend illustrate it for me. I never really looked back from there.
Now, I can say that I’ve achieved both of my goals.
I’ve been teaching 8th graders for more than 15 years, sharing my
love of words with hundreds. I always tell my kids that it’s not that they
don’t like to read; they just haven’t met the right book yet. I make it one of
my missions in life to put those books into their hands.
My love of literature led to my debut Solstice
novel. I’ve always loved poetry and “The Highwayman” has always been a personal
favorite. I always thought there was more to that story and now there is.
So, here am I living—still living in the Chicago suburbs,
a little further out than where I first started, but I can still see the
skyline on my drive in to work. I married my high school prom date and we share
a beautiful little girl, two spoiled hound dogs, a love of reading and all
things Disney. Overall, I’m happy where I am, but I’m also looking forward to
seeing what the next several years bring. Hopefully, it will bring me several
more books on this author page!

Rebecca's Links:
Great piece, Marie! You tied all the strands together beautifully AND reference LeGuin's EARTHSEA trilogy. Nice! Another fantasy that does a nice twist on the name game in Patricia A. McKillip's THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD.
ReplyDeleteInteresting post and so true. It will be difficult to use "twilight" in a book title for a while without conjuring up visions of vampires.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree on the power of names to help convey feelings, personality, assumptions, and expectations to people who don't already know. But the point I think Juliet is trying to make is that she already *knows* Romeo, so doesn't need a name to call him, while everyone else is getting hung up on the name. So in effect she too is aware of the power of names and struggles to get everyone else past it.