“Why Do We Write?” 250th Anniversary Multi-Author Special Blog Event

Why Do We Write?

For the 250th post on the blog, I wanted to do something different. I know what you’re thinking. Judging by the title of this article, it’s easy to assume that I meant to explain why all writers do that crazy thing called ‘writing’. 

“How very arrogant of you, Marie.”

Indeed. For, how can I possibly explain such a thing on my own? At best it would be conjecture. But bear with me for a moment, if you can. Writers these days have a lot on their plates – family, work, even some kind of social life. I suppose writers always had such obligations, for the most part. 

And if the writer is a published author – indie or traditional – it’s a whole other animal, isn’t it? It’s hardly surprising for an author to get bogged down in the ‘business’ end of publishing. Why we began this journey is almost forgotten in the work of marketing and deadlines, as well as trying to balance it all with the rest of our lives. Believe it or not, authors have to remind themselves now and then of that ultimate question.

If you are a writer, you’ve probably been asked once, if not many times.

“Why do you write?”

Or, at least someone posed the inquiry, “What made you start writing?” 

For some of us, “Why do you write?” is a complicated question. It’s like asking, “What makes your lungs work?” or “Why are we here as human beings?” It’s too detailed to go into on short notice. Without getting into scientific explanation or even religious debate, I would say that for now, it just is. 

That’s right. It just is. We call ourselves writers because the words don’t stop flowing. And still, we yearn to explain it further, this elusive question.

What makes us keep writing? What really draws us to this career? Why are we on this path?

And then the reminders come, some subtle and some glaring. Often in the work of a moment, inspiration hits – a word strikes us a certain way, we witness an event, or we must write about a specific topic – and suddenly, there’s a purpose to this madness. The ideas all but burst out of us.
When I approached this question recently, I wanted to discover more about the writer in each of us. I truly believe that we all walk different paths in our writing careers, though some experiences may be similar. We come from different backgrounds and will approach this question in diverse ways. Other than being enamored of ‘writing’, why do we do it?

(Groans come from the crowd.)

“Get to the point, Marie.”

All right. As part of this 250th anniversary post, I asked a group of my colleagues, whom I feel honored to have met in my author journey, to weigh in on this question – “Why do I write?” The Writing in the Modern Age blog is bringing you 45 different responses, to find out the reasons we all write, and what keeps us going. And, in my humble opinion, the answers will thrill you. It won’t in any way explain why every writer in the world is compelled to write. That’s impossible. But it should give you an ample glimpse into the mind of a writer.

At the end of the post, I’ll include my own reasons for writing, for it wouldn’t be fair to hog the spotlight right now when I can pass the torch to so many talented writers. With each response, you’ll find an author picture as well as a link to the best place to find his or her books, or at least more information about the authors. 

Well, here they are. I hope they fascinate you just as much as they did with me!

"Why Do We Write" Multi-Author Participants and Responses

Penny Estelle

“I just got notifications from Amazon and a few of my publishers about my monthly royalties that are coming.  What I can tell you in all honesty is that I don’t write for the money! LOL!

So, why do I write?  For me, I get an idea in my head, and if I really like the storyline it is with me day and night whether I’m writing or not.  I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and think – maybe my hero should have done this or my heroine should have said that – I know at this point my story is leading me and not the other way around.

Since I have been in this business I have met, online, the most unbelievable people.  Authors are a different breed.  They will help at the drop of a hat with any questions, help, or input.  Authors are the most supportive group of people I’ve ever come in contact with.

I’m lucky enough to be retired and able to do this wonderful thing called writing.  It’s a great business to be in – but writing needs to be a passion.  

I will tell you, when I was contracted for my first book in 2011, I could actually see my new summer beach house.  It was awesome!  Since 2011 it has become somewhat of a faded dream, but I keep it in the foggy recesses of my mind!  Since then I’ve had several more stories in different genres picked up, so I continue to be hopeful!” 

Lannah Sawers-Diggins

“I started writing – simply because I am addicted to it. I have always enjoyed it but in the past this addiction was tuned into letter writing, rather than books and/or stories. I was raised in the outback of Australia, on a sheep station and I now look back and realize that it was loneliness and isolation that triggered this passion in the first place. So I wrote letters – lots and lots of letters. I did try to write short stories but realized I did not really have the enthusiasm, imagination or creativity for this – about ten years ago, I found myself having to edit and publish my father’s book and this re-triggered that passion, which had withered for a few years, again. I suddenly realized I could combine two of my passions – writing and the outback. And so I did.

I am now coming to the end of the research for my ‘book on stations’ and I also now write for several publications.

All for the love of it.”

Michael Aronovitz

“I think we write to keep a record of our riddles and mysteries. No two lives are even close to being similar, and to think that a day is like any other is a fallacy. We live in a world of beautiful paradox, and writers record the symmetry and aesthetic dissonance of love, danger, fear, and passion, all for the sake of pure celebration.

In terms of my own personal reasons for writing, I do this because I have to. Writing has become my main attraction for thinking, and without the perplexing puzzles concerning the best ways to make that beautiful ‘music’ coloring everything with love, danger, fear, and passion, I would feel like a moment of pure art and beauty was lost forever.”

Amazon Author Page:  http://amzn.to/1DIlhjh

S.A. Starcevic

“I write because I can't draw (stick-figures don't count), I most certainly don't sing (not unless crooning along to Celine Dion to an audience of none in the shower counts) and other forms of artistic expression require too much effort. Also, it's fun to torture the little people in my head. What's that? No, I don't need to be committed.”

Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/S.-A.-Starcevic/e/B00XBKT5AW/


Laura Graham

 “So why do I? I’ve asked myself that many times and the only true answer I can come up with is because it makes me happy.

Yes, I know all about the frustration, the anxiety that what I’m writing isn’t good enough; no one will like it, it’ll never sell. Yet, in spite of the doubts, I carry happily on regardless.

I’m in my own world when I write – not at home, never at home, never could write in my own environment – has to be a friendly bar, the same table hidden in a corner, coffee and brioche before me. Then any amount of magic is possible whether I’m writing for children or adults. 

On a good day everything disappears around me. I’m becoming other people, talking differently, seeing life from a different perspective, my mind is expanding and nothing I know of makes me feel so good.

So, there you have it, I’m a writing addict! Writing is what I need to do.”

A.B. Funkhauser

 “Why do I write? From a utilitarian point of view, it is free, portable and limitless. That makes it incredibly attractive. The heart stirs us; the mind cautions. But the spirit dares. Philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau famously said: 'Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains'. Perhaps the written word cemented that notion for him? There are no yokes in writing; no villains that can't be overcome; indeed, no ‎boundary that can't be bested and surpassed. 

Tomorrow, I'll write some new laws, marshal an army and win the lottery, just for good measure. Get the picture? It speaks a thousand words, but a writer essays millions.”  

Isobelle Cate

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou

“Everybody, at one time or another, had an imaginary friend. You didn’t? Oh, okay. Some people had imaginary friends. I was one of those who had them. Imaginary friends were our companions. Our partners in crime. They were the people we talked to when no one wanted to play or talk to us on the playground, when we just did not fit in, or were just too uncool to be around. These companions were made flesh from the thoughts and ideas flitting through our young minds.  They were our creations - buffers for our hurts, the comfort to our loneliness, the cheering squad to our joy, the magic seed fueling our imaginations. As we grew older and hopefully, a little wiser (and on occasion being a wise-ass), they became the characters that inhabited our stories, and laid claim to a world we created in our books.

I have always loved reading and that spurned my interest in writing. Writing to me was and is like breathing and I don’t think there was ever a time that I didn’t write. Except maybe when I went to sleep. Then again, even in my dreams I was plotting. I didn’t realize either that was what it was called then.

The first time I placed words to paper to create a semblance of a story was when I opened the first page of my very first diary. A lot of firsts, isn’t it?  I placed all of my thoughts, my fears, my hurts, my hopes in those pages in my chicken scratch. My desk became my go to place, and the drawer where I kept my diary was my treasure chest, eagerly sliding it open like Midas addicted to the sight of gold. At the same time I became enamored with mysteries and thrillers, scaring myself to sleep that I literally had a flashlight underneath my pillow. Years later, I fell in love with romance novels and from there my wishful thinking brought about the first visions of and introduction to Calliope, the muse of writing.

My first attempts at crafting stories were rushed.  Hurried. I didn’t know any better then. I thought that one draft was enough so I sent it to a family friend who made a living as a writer, and asked her to read it. Gentle in her advice, she said that I had to hone the way I wrote, not to rush things but to develop the story. To me, at that time, it was a death knell. Yes, I was that sensitive, go figure.  Little did I realize that this kind encouragement was nothing compared to the gut wrenching and nearly belief-destroying rejection letters I would get decades later. That alone should have stopped me, but similar to what Ms. Angelou said, it was uncomfortable not being able to tell the stories my imagination had conjured. It was like being stifled by one’s own skin. So I started to write, collected rejection letters, learned from the naysayers, became grateful for the advice and lessons received from other authors and literary agents.

And I have never looked back.

So, why do I write? Is it because I’m a sucker for pain? Is it because I’m afraid that the stories I craft, the creation of my mind spurred by my imaginary friends may be ripped to pieces by trolls? Or analyzed constructively by well-meaning readers so that I improve and hone my craft? 

Trolls will always be there, lurking under the bridges waiting to pounce for no other reason but to find perverted joy in destruction. Well-meaning readers? They are like the lapidaries that cut and polish diamonds. They see beyond the rough.  Those are the people I value.

I write because I’m a storyteller.  I write because I want to share the voices of my characters and the stories they have. I write because it sets me and my characters free to add in some small way to the stories that open the doors to the world of imaginary friends.”

Linda L. Picl

I write because it's a terrific outlet for my emotion. There are many things you hold in each day that you can't tell people in your life. Whether it be love, frustration, confusion or one of a thousand other feelings. But with writing you can use that emotion and make it work for you in your books. Plain and simple, my writing has saved many lives. People have not been destroyed by me because I can put it in my writings... and kill them there.”

Website/Blog:  http://lpicl.tumblr.com/

Frederick H. Crook

“I write because I have stories in my head that I need to tell. I love to entertain people with my words and I never want to do anything else.”

Rebecca L. Frencl 

“I’ve been asked how I write or how do I get ideas, but I don’t think I’ve ever been asked WHY I write. It’s an interesting question and one that leads into some twisted corners of the mind. First of all, I don’t really ever remember NOT writing. My favorite toy as a kid was a little blue typewriter. I’d bang out stories and plays and make my cousins perform in them. I always talked about when I became a writer. I had dreams of one of the Big 5 in New York (though there were considerably more publishers than 5 back in the 1980s) calling me up and showering me with money—making it big and seeing my name on the cover of a book in Waldenbooks. 

But WHY do I write? I write because I have to. I write to expel an excess of emotion. I feel too much and too deeply sometimes. Without writing I think I’d be a basket case. It’s an outlet for a hyperactive imagination. I’m one of those—those people who hears something in the middle of the night and skips from ‘it’s the house settling’ to ‘there must be demons crawling out of the shadows bent on dragging me down to hell!’ So, I write fears and dreams and all the people I wish I could meet and those I wish I never run across. I write things I’ve done, goals I’d given up as lost, and bravery I don’t have claim to. I write what I want to read, what I hope others want to read. 

It’s a selfish and solitary activity, taking me away from own family and plunging me headlong into the troubles of people who just live in my head. It’s a wonderful thing when you love people who are willing to talk about characters who don’t exist as anything more than words on a page. It’s a measure of immortality. Ink and paper or tiny digital pixels heading into a future I will never see. To quote Shakespeare, “So long lives this and this gives life to thee…”

Mark Conte

“I have a very active imagination and love writing.  When I was eight years old, all the middle aged women in the neighborhood would come to my house every Saturday night at 8 PM and I would tell them a story.  It was always a story about an orphan and it always had a tragic ending.  I finally wrote that story.  It's a literary novel titled A Friend of the Family, and it is out to several publishers.
  My new book that just came out, The Easter Lamb, I took from my family when I was a child.  My father would buy a live lamb on the morning of Good Friday, fatten it up all day Friday and Saturday, then slaughter it, skin it and cook it for our Easter dinner.  Of course, we kids saw the lamb in a different way.”

Vicki-Ann Bush

“I think for me, writing is more than just a release. It's an escape. My thoughts are always on and to quiet them, I write. People, voices and places I've never seen, fly around in my brain. I give them a home, somewhere to go and make sense. I can't draw, I always wanted to be able to, but my talent ceases at stick people. However, I can tell a story. So it is my way of expressing the ever changing me. I also love interaction with readers. There's nothing better than seeing someone excited about one of your books.”

Rosemary Richings

“The one thing that every single person with a desire to write a poem, or make their own movies, or paint a picture, or compose a piece of music has in common is their motivation; it all starts with a significant, memorable moment or a series of events, that made them realize that being who they are instead of a doctor, lawyer, office worker, or perhaps an accountant seems a lot more desirable. Every profession I just listed above is not only respectable but the day jobs of plenty of artists, from across the globe so I have no intention of labeling them “better” or “worse” than the work of arts professionals. My real point is the following: the pursuit of creativity, for those that aren’t interested in fame or fortune, often starts with some sort of epiphany.

Occupational therapists work with people with mental, physical, and social disabilities, and in my case, people with Dyspraxia. Wendy Wallace, the occupational therapist who I saw on an ongoing basis when I was a kid, helped me with everything from learning how to read, to basic fine motor skills such as tying my shoelaces, and catching a ball.  There was an activity, which I recall vividly, where she showed me pictures of animals and asked me to make up a story about them, and I remember that more than any part of my occupational therapy sessions, because this was a symbolic moment when I started to think like a writer.

Wendy Wallace’s literacy development exercise is what I always think of whenever people ask me why I write because it was a profound influence on my love of writing, reading, and the performing arts. No matter who we are, what we do for a living, what socioeconomic background we come from, how old we are, et cetera, we all have stories inside us. Unfortunately not everyone has the ability to take their stories and turn them into music, theatre, movies, articles, essays, fiction, or poetry. When I think of what attracted me to writing I think of the kid I once was, that had all these thoughts and feelings about the world around me, but lacked the skills to tell my story in an articulate fashion, that’s worth reading or listening to.  I’ll always unconditionally believe in the power of high quality writing because it broadens communities, and makes it possible for people to shout out loud about what’s really going on around them. On my not so great days I reread George Orwell’s Why I Write, and I’m reminded of what an extraordinary privilege it is to be able to tell a story, or express an opinion in writing.” 

Linda Heavner Gerald

“My writing began as a vision. I knew that the woman I saw was not me. Also, I recognized the place as Beaufort, N.C. where I love to sail. It was apparent that something was very wrong but not eminent. After a very long time, I asked God to show me what that was about. The answer was my first book, Beaufort Betrayal. It was released three years ago. I now have eight published books when the last two are released. Writing brings me immense joy and peace.

The reason I continue to write is very simple. I feel that God may use me. If I can touch just one life doing something that I love, I would be foolish to stop. My writing is #writingwithapurpose. My goal is to demonstrate that no matter what bad choices we make or trouble we may find ourselves, God is willing to turn our mess into a blessing. I see Him each day of my life. So I will continue my journey as long as I feel he leads me in this wonderful gift.” 

Kathryn Elizabeth Jones

“I write because I can't NOT write. When I began writing many years ago, it was to curb morning sickness. I was pregnant with my first daughter and was sick morning, afternoon and evening. Writing took the edge off. I could write about how I was feeling and I felt better afterwards. Through the years I have used writing as therapy. I also enjoy writing for the sake of writing. I enjoy writing fiction and non-fiction, and, depending on my mood, write in different genres - usually mystery or Christian fiction.”

Crystal Miles Gauthier

“Writing is a source of mental relief for me. I have suffered many years with depression and chronic health issues. For me personally, to write is a release of all of the built up tensions in my mind. As most are aware an author’s mind never shuts up. This is ten-fold for me. I have amnesia and am always thinking of new ways to turn my thoughts into stories, poems, novels and just every day quotes. I like to write not only for myself, but for my fans who love my time travel stories. In a nutshell, I find that writing is a major outlet for my brain to release its energy.”

Fiona Tarr

Why do I Write? I think every writer has asked themselves this question and it is surprising how many of us still have not yet answered it fully. It could be for money, fame or entertainment. However, I don’t expect to get rich, although it would be nice. I like the idea of fame, but I get nervous when speaking in front of people and although I definitely find writing entertaining and relaxing, there are loads of alternative ways I can have fun.

After going a little deeper with myself over this question, I have decided that there are three main reasons why I write.

1.     I have something to say.

2.     I am compelled; writing is something I feel I must do.

3.     I enjoy it, a lot.

I have something to say….

I could rant on Facebook, chew off my friend's ear with my ideals, join a cult or choose many other ways to share my message, but I have found over the years, people hear best when they don’t know that they are listening. 

I choose to write historical/epic fantasy because so much of my own ideals are hidden in the genre. When I write, I can weave a tale full of themes which challenge our perception of good and evil, push us to reconsider how we judge ourselves and others and basically share the inner struggles of the real world through the development of the characters in my story world. 

Writing allows me to communicate a message; something I want to share with others but in a non-confrontational way. I am all about choice and through writing, I get to share my message but give the reader the power to listen or to ignore and I don’t have to feel bad about which choice they make. 

I am compelled….

From a very young age I could be very single minded and passionate about my opinions. So much so I thought I could force the world to be as I expected it to be. With a few more years behind me I began to understand many people would never see the world the same way I did and I was reconciled with this. The realization didn’t stop the compulsion to share my message, it simply directed my thoughts into a fantasy world instead. Now writing is as much a process for my own sanity as it is about sharing my thoughts. When the world gets me down I write about it in fiction; my characters embrace my struggles and the struggles I see others attempting to work through. 

When I say writing is a compulsion, I guess for me it is like journaling, only I get to make up the scenarios of an imaginary life. In a way writing has become an addiction of sorts, but there are far worse activities to be addicted to. 

I enjoy it….

I started writing out of a need to write. I had no understanding of where the compulsion had come from. At first I considered writing self-help books; non-fiction material where I could share all I had learned and pass on my ‘vast wisdom’; yes I know,  luckily I realized I wasn't suited to this type of writing. Thankfully I didn’t publish any of it either. This style of writing was not fulfilling and made me feel like a politician or priest, laying down the law about what was right and wrong in the world. It was a feeling I didn’t relish, but the compulsion to write still remained, my opinions hadn’t changed, I still needed to share my thoughts. 

It didn’t take me long to realize that fiction was where I could find my voice. When I started writing my first book, Destiny of Kings, my world was transformed. I wasn’t only sharing my thoughts, I was creating and as someone who had often been considered administrative by nature, I found this empowering and fulfilling on many levels. I was imaginative, I was passionate, and there really was a depth to my soul I could finally share. My senses were awakened and I knew that this was what I was made for. 

Why I Write!

I write because I have something to say, because I can’t really help myself and I don’t quite feel complete when I can’t write. I write because when I do, I am happy, excited, encouraged and empowered all at the same time. How can I possibly not write?” 

Raegyn Perry

“I have always been fascinated by the thought of sharing an image, feeling, or emotion that was powerful to me with others.

Instead of sharing an image as a picture, I’d find the words. In these words, I’m hoping to create characters, actions, and a story that is interesting and enjoyable.

My uncle gave me a tape recorder (remember those!) as a young child, and I loved creating my own ‘show’ –  that, of course, featured bothering my friends and neighbors for sound bites! I was a storyteller even then!

A long time ago, I started an “Idea Box”. This was just a simple index card box with divided sections for:

Topics (romance, reincarnation, vampires, royalty, etc.)

General themes (forbidden love, triumph over evil, etc.) 

Obscure words I liked and wanted to use somehow.

Character names both male/female.

Locations  (Greece, Egypt, Boston, fictional world, etc.)

I even started a section to explore different types of media (screenplay, stage play, novel, video short, etc.)

Ideas come to me in so many different ways, that I know I haven’t begun to scratch the surface of the many possible stories that can come from them.

All I know is that I love “going there”- to that world, to the character, on that journey. As long as I’m blessed with all my faculties, I’ll continue to explore these ideas and find a way to create a story, and write it.” 

Carole McKee

“I write because I feel things. Saying my feelings out loud is sort of a discredit to them; but putting my thoughts and feelings in print validates them. Of course, putting my thoughts and feelings into a story, using other characters, makes them entertaining--hopefully.”

Gail Picado

“Why do I write?  Sometimes, I think I may have a God complex and want to implant my thoughts to everyone.  Or, maybe because I’m a middle child, I don’t think that I’m special.  I went to a ‘Reader of Taro Cards’ and she told me that I’ve had many past lives as men (I have to laugh at this), and that I was always a writer.  I found this part very interesting because I never told her that I write.  I find that writing lets me think first before putting pen to paper, so I can express myself better.  I used to think that if I wrote a book, I’d become rich.  When I found out how wrong that is, I didn’t think I’d keep writing, but I do.  Writing gives me comfort in a busy, lonesome world because I control my characters, making them do whatever I choose.  God gives us free will, but I don’t.  Am I evil?  That remains to be seen.”  

Amazon Author Page:  http://amzn.to/1D4Xzmz

T.W. Embry

“Why do I write? That is a very complex question as there are many reasons why I write. I write for the joy of telling a good story well. The more unexpected twists I can create the better I like it. I like to keep my readers guessing what is going to happen next, and then it not be what they expected at all. I write so I can talk to my imaginary friends and not feel really weird about having so many imaginary friends. Do I write with the hopes of being the next JK Rowling? Yes and no. Yes, the money would be nice, but for me the fame would be rather a pain in the ass as I am a very private person. I am also aware of how unlikely that will ever come to pass. Much has changed about being an author since I got my first contract. The social media requirements alone are daunting. I have my first appearance as an author at a comic con in my home town of Port St Lucie, Florida. Frankly I find it almost terrifying. But I will do what I must to try to capture the dream of only writing for a living.” 

Website:  http://www.twembry.com/
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/T.W.-Embry/e/B00FYA91NS/

Malay A. Upadhyay

“I like writing. Good for me. But who ever believed that to be the truest of reasons? It’s not. One doesn’t make a career out of ‘like’, otherwise gossip and binge eating would be mainstream professions too.  So, why do I write? In the times we live in, there has been such a sudden information overload that we have become both lost and blind to knowledge itself. I refer here to morals, ideas, innovations, trends and lessons - both contemporary and ancient. To collate this data is not enough. It needs to be told in a language that people understand. I write to achieve this purpose. Because it may help someone learn more about her existence. Because it may help someone believe. Because long after we’re gone, there will still be solitary nights of hopelessness in far corners of this world. And what we write may make all the difference. 

I write because so far, it looks like a more meaningful way to pass the seconds than anything else I have come across.”

Bernard Foong (alias Young)

“In 2011, after I closed my fashion boutique in Honolulu, I decided it was time to tell my story that had been kept under wraps for close to 45 years. I felt the correct moment had arrived for me to make known my unique education to the world. That's when I took a career change from being a fashion designer (all my life) to writing my controversial adolescent life of being inducted into a sexual clandestine society when I was studying at an exclusive boarding school in England before being spirited away to a more exclusive Middle Eastern boarding institution to study the art of being a 'male courtesan' or 'male geisha' before being allocated to serve in six different elite and super wealthy Arabian Households (harems). 

I wanted to make known to the world that being part of a harem entourage was an extremely positive experience, contrary to what many believe harem life to be. I went willingly and was chaperoned by a guardian/Valet who subsequently became my lover. In short I'm documenting my unique coming-of-age memoir/autobiography.

* Other factors that influenced me to write A Harem Boy’s Saga; a memoir by Young (my pen-name), a seven book series are - through my autobiography I hope to:

·             Provide Tolerance to Sissy Boys by educating parents/peers and the community to love and respect effeminate boys.

Anderson Cooper 360 documentary on the devastating treatment of effeminate boys influenced me to tell my story.

·             Avoid Bullying through Big Brother/Big Sister volunteer programs in schools or outside the school system. Older students can act as mentors to younger students. Much like the experience I went through in my unique education.

·            Tolerance to Gay Adolescent - to improve parents/child/siblings relationship issues.

Support/mentorship program/programs to all parties involved, to foster understanding and acceptance of Gay teenagers.

·           Provide an Alternative Educational System:

Fostering understanding Big-Brother/Big-Sister adolescent mentorship programs in schools, BB/BS as protectors to keep younger kids from being bullied.

*         Provide Human Relationship Building Programs;

Between parents/teachers and young students on sexual topics/issues, especially when an adolescent is discovering their sexuality. They can be guided on a healthy and honest sexual journey instead of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” - hide it in the closet policy. 

These are the major reasons I write.”


Kris Noel

“I’m not sure why I originally started writing, but now I can’t imagine my life without doing it on a daily basis. One of the most exciting things about writing is that I have the ability to live in a new world—one that I created and have control over.  I absolutely love world building and creating new characters and I like to use writing as an escape. I look forward to getting home from work every day and immersing myself in my own creations. It might be a selfish reason, but it’s something that makes me happy.”

Tamara Thorne

Writing is a drive that’s been with me since I first put pencil to paper in second grade to tell myself a story. As a child, I discovered the satisfaction of scaring other kids with ghost stories. (Some things never change.) But writing served as therapy too - I wrote out all my frustrations and anger, then ripped up the pages, happy again. I dealt with fear the same way. But writing was so much more: School bored me to tears, so I would keep myself awake by penning doggerel or stories about Dark Shadows and Star Trek. By junior high, I turned to horror stories and satire and I simply never stopped. 

These days, I start writing in the morning and the hours fly by because the work takes me somewhere wonderful, puts me “in the zone” as it were.  But why did I choose writing over other arts? I didn’t: it chose me. I have to write. I need to.  It gives me joy like nothing else. Beyond that, I don’t know - I simply accept and am grateful for it.” 

Alistair Cross

“When it comes to art, there are many channels through which one can express their creative vision. Arts such as photography, painting, and drawing are a visual means of expression while with music, it is expressed through sound. Some forms of art are executed through - and appeal to - only one or perhaps two of the senses, but there is one endeavor that, for me, satisfies them all, and that is writing. Writing is imagery. It is sound. It is emotion. It is information and it is escape. It is taste and smell and gut-feeling, and while I’ve dabbled in other arts, writing remains the only one that is able to fully utilize and express every detail of who I am. And that is why I write.” 

Amazon Author Page:  http://amzn.to/1fyYO2r

Andy Ruffett

“I write as a form of escape. Recently, I've been trying to write as raw as possible because I believe the truth should spill out of you because the true real is the raw.

I write fiction to escape my own boring dull life. Though most of my novels are connected with romance, that's only because I am a hopeless romantic. Always have and always will be. When I write, I like always answering the "what if?" question. Even if the what ifs are not strictly Science Fiction based, I think they're important. The what ifs in writing are what keep us going, keep us wondering, and keep us exploring this fascinating world or the large sponge in our head.”

Rival Gates
“I started writing at the age of 13 after my father lost his job and my family was in dire financial straights.  I was depressed and needed an outlet.  So I turned all my energy into creating my own world with my own characters.  I forgot about the pain of real life and immersed myself in the world of fantasy.  At first it was purely therapeutic and I developed my stories through my adult years. When I would feel blue, I would read something I wrote and think, "Wow.  You created that and no one else could have done it the same."  I never dreamed I would ever be published. 

Having my work in print is one of the greatest accomplishments of my life.  There may be millions of published authors out there, but I'm one of them.  Other people have read and enjoyed my work.  That rewarding feeling goes beyond my ability to describe.  Many millions more never are published and never get that wonderful feeling.  Why do I write?  It makes me feel good about being me and about my gift which I share with the world.  When you write something and you know you nailed it, you can't help but beam with pride.  So I continue to write because I never want to lose this feeling.”

Devika Fernando

“You might as well ask me "Why do you breathe? Why do you drink and eat?", for writing is as important to me as breathing, drinking and eating. Writing makes my life worth living, and it makes me feel alive. It’s so essential to me that I feel only half a human on Sundays when I sometimes force myself not to write (to go easy on my hands and arms).

But what makes writing as important to me as the oxygen I breathe? I have never actually sat down to think it through, so I am grateful that Marie Lavender has asked this question. Pondering the matter has led me to five conclusions:

1)     I love writing because it lets me focus on something completely, to a point where I am so concentrated that nothing else matters and I forget about any troubles I might have. I used to write to escape from the world. Now I write also to escape to a world.
2)     I love writing because it lets me channel my creativity. If I were any good at painting and drawing, I’d do that, but words are my gift, and I grow and change by exploring this creative side to my personality.
3)     I love writing because I enjoy reading so much. This might sound a bit confusing, but it does make sense: I am such an avid reader that I want to instill that same awe and happiness in other readers with my own work.
4)     I am a linguist / language lover. Everything about languages fascinates me, and what better way is there to live this fascination than by playing with words?
5)     Inspiration is everywhere, and the possibilities are endless. Be it a news headline, a photo or piece of art, a conversation, a sight in nature, something I overhear or observe… everything and everyone can inspire a story, so I never tire of writing.

All in all, it’s being able to create something, a whole world with characters and problems, that attracts me most to writing – and simply being myself and being good at something that motivates me most.”

Dianne Hartsock

“Honestly, I've never looked too closely at the reason why I write, content with the fact that there's very little I enjoy doing more.  Searching deeper, I can admit the reason I write is that I find people fascinating. We're such a jumble of crazy emotions and contradictions, selfishness and self-sacrifice. I want to share this. I like to write my characters from an intensely personal point of view, get up close and messy with them.  Pull their hearts to the surface. Show that even though we're flawed, we're still pretty wonderful.

When I sit down to write a scene, I make every word count. What does my character feel under his fingertips, against his skin? What fills his senses, arouses his emotions, triggers a memory? What fills his sight? Does he hear another's whispered words, heavy breath, the tick of a clock? Does he taste morning coffee, a kiss, the sweat of a lover's skin?

I write to show what mixed-up, amazing creatures we are. And my reward is when a reader tells me they've fallen in love with a certain character or that a certain scene lingers with them long after they've put the book down. For me, that's enough to get me to write that next story.”

Olga Núñez Miret

“I've been writing for a very long time, and I imagine I write because I love stories. I've written other things for other reasons (articles, essays, dissertations...), but my true love are stories and fiction. Reading gave me and gives me other people’s stories, but my imagination, very often, will come up with some idea, situation, setting, and I'll wonder either 'what will happen next?' or 'how did they get here?'. In some cases it might be only an idea that doesn't hang around very long, but the scenarios, ideas or characters that keep coming back to me, eventually find a place in one of my stories.

I write to entertain myself, and hopefully others, and not necessarily with any message in mind. Even when I start with such idea in mind, normally the characters and the situations take on a life of their own and say what they want to say.

Why do I keep writing? In most cases because I want to know what happens. Very seldom has my writing been personal or in a confessional style (I doubt I'd want to publish it if it was), but writing can and does have a therapeutic effect. Having gone through some difficult family times (that we all have to go through, there's nothing for it), I've found that writing stories with positive characters and a bright take on life has made me feel better. Writing might not change our reality, but it can build a refuge (even if only a temporary one) from the harshness of life.”

Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Olga-Núñez-Miret/e/B009UC58G0/ 

Doug Bolton

“Fourteen years ago I had no desire to write. I loved to read, and I did take notes from books that I felt I would want for future reference and growth. 

Then I fell into depression. I had retired from teaching, and started working at a department store in my home town. The hours were bad and the pay even worse. I stopped doing that and wondered, “What I am going to do to fill my life with meaning?”

So on March 31st of 2001, I went for a ride in my Ford Explorer. I was sobbing so much I could hardly see the road. I pulled into a high school parking lot, and was thinking of checking out of this hotel called Earth. I finally cried out to God, I Can’t take this anymore! At that moment I felt a peace that I hadn’t felt in years. It was as if God was saying, It is about time you came to Me, now let me carry you the rest of the way.

I rushed home and wondered why God helped me come to my senses. I looked in my desk drawer in the den, and I had some writings I had put together for a possible learning manual for salesmen. I had failed at a business, so I threw the notes in a drawer in anger.

In the scribbling I had, were perfect titles for chapters to reach out to others who may be facing depression, anxiety, fear, and the many other usual suspects. One title was, Need Directions? Another was You Can’t Get There From Here!

I had also written several years’ worth of journals. From those journals and the sick looking book I was attempting for salespeople, I was able to write, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. 

The journals were full of my disappointments, fear, failures, happy times, and how I faced adversity. There was enough material from those two phases of my life that I was able to publish my first book. It is self-published, and has sold over 500 books in a very short time. 

I have been writing ever since. I am working on three other books. One is, Signs of Hope For Seniors, another is Signs of Hope in Sports, and the third one is Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Writing for me is an escape from the world around me. I can bury myself in my work, and not see the depressing news on TV, or in the paper. I can share my feelings and see them on paper.
It is special to know that what I write may be a life changer for someone who is going through trials and storms.”


Ivanka Di Felice

“I enjoy writing for various reasons. The first book I wrote (A Zany Slice of Italy) was about my life abroad. The fact that my stories made so many of my friends laugh gave me momentum to keep writing and to write for a larger audience. I wanted to share my personal experiences as they differed greatly from many other authors that have written about their lives in Italy. I wanted people to see another side to ex-pat life in Italy. But most of all, I loved that I could make people laugh out loud. 

I am almost finished with my second book as I have more stories to share. Finding humor in otherwise difficult situations and writing about it keeps me relatively sane! When I find myself in a frustrating situation I try to turn it into something funny.

My third book will be something completely different. I have entered a new stage of my life and I now see life differently since my father passed away. I want to write about these feelings and I want to make others laugh, cry and reflect on what is important in life.  In the end, I guess writing is about sharing my life with others, and when I read books about them sharing their life and ideas with me.”   


Elaine C. Pereira

“To date I’ve written one book: I Will NEVER Forget -A Daughter's Story of Her Mother's Arduous and Humorous Journey Through Dementia.  Unlike so many accomplished authors who have penned countless novels or at least two, I Will Never Forget might literally be my only book.  Time will tell.

My mother’s was a story that needed to be told!  She was a kind, brilliant, accomplished woman all of my life until dementia took hold leaving an agitated and compromised person in its wake.  There were times I did not recognize her.  As Alzheimer’s invaded her brain and crushed her once vibrant persona, I was determined to put into black and white the colorful stories that defined her life. 

I Will Never Forget was specifically written in tribute to her and others in the arduous journey through dementia. 

Today I also write blogs and articles for FamilyAffaires.com, The AlzheimersReadingRoom.com and MariaShriver.com.  All are focused on family issues especially those related to seniors with dementia challenges.

I write to give support to families in their journeys.  

I write to help others know they are not alone.

I write to share my mother’s story as by doing so I know I touch others.

I write to reveal the unwitting mistakes I made before really grasping my mother’s Alzheimer’s. 

I write to educate the public on this horrendous disease.

I write to make a difference.  

I Will Never Forget is now a Best Selling, Multi-Award Winning memoir.  Thanks, Mom, for your inspiration; I know your spirit guided me.”  

Shannon MacLeod 

“With me, the writing is all about the why. I write because I love telling stories and making people laugh. I do it because I dig hearing my kids tell their friends “Yeah, my mom’s a writer.” I first started writing as a little girl – dark short stories of horror, fantasy and some distressingly awful poetry. I have two big brothers; the younger of the two is twelve years my senior – so for all intents and purposes, I was raised as an only child. Born and raised in deeply rural East Nowhere, I spent a whole lot of time alone and got used to creating fantasy worlds to entertain myself. I fell in love with reading early, having a mother who taught me to read as soon as I could dress myself. As the nearest library was well over an hour away, my favorite day of the month was always circled on the calendar – the day the county bookmobile came to my little corner of the world. 

I made friends with the librarian/driver and she always made sure to have plenty of my favorite books on our stop, and I used to leave with as many as I could carry. I read them over and over again until the next month. As I got older, my tastes did too…and I can still remember picking up The Flame and The Flower by Kathleen Woodiwiss because of the pretty purple cover. 

I read that book cover to cover, then twice more, memorizing steamy passages that I can still remember to this day. The next month, the librarian had more Woodiwiss books for me along with a selection of regency love stories, historicals and a slew of Harlequin romances. I enjoyed them for years, but it never occurred to me to try to write one of my own. 

Fast forward a whole bunch of years… I found myself trapped in a relationship that was at its best both toxic and dangerous. I started writing because I was unhappy. Desperately unhappy. Gnaw your own leg off to escape the trap unhappy and at the time I thought I couldn’t do a thing about it.

I was a solitary kid growing up, so my imagination was my best friend. I never knew the meaning of boredom – and I still don’t. I’ve got way too much stuff going on in my head to EVER run out of things to think about. In my own situation, it all boiled down to a loss of control. I didn’t like the way things were. I didn’t know or like the person it forced me to become. I made Eeyore look positively giddy by comparison and I knew for a fact the light at the end of that tunnel was an oncoming train. So what happened next was second nature – I created a fantasy world with imaginary playmates. I controlled everything right down to where the grass grew and the outcomes were all like I wanted them to be – a heady feeling, to be sure.

After a while I started making notes. Those notes turned into chapters and the chapters eventually turned into books. When I wasn’t writing, I was reading about the process, devouring everything I could find on how to write query letters, how to submit manuscripts and how to write more efficiently. I did research to write knowledgeably about things I knew next to nothing about. I used Google Earth to describe places I had never been. I read novels by my favorite authors and started a notebook of things I liked/didn’t like. I knew the layout of my local library better than the librarians did. And as the tiny snowball of my imaginary world started rolling downhill and gaining momentum, an amazing thing happened – I started taking back control of my real world and learned how to be happy again. Now I can’t imagine my world without it.

I write about what is familiar – growing up in a close knit Scot-Irish neighborhood with magic simmering just below the surface of everyday life. My Arcana Love series is about a large Irish family living in the U.S. When complete, there will be four books in the series, each based on a suit of the Tarot. The Celtic Knot: Suit of Cups is the story of Ian, the middle son of the Kelly family and how he met his true love Lily…again…and again. The next book in the series is The Gypsy Ribbon: Suit of Wands and after that one…well, you’ll just have to wait to see. Rogue on the Rollaway is a time travel that runs afoul of faeries and ends up in medieval Ireland (all are now available from Kensington Books and Lyrical Press).  I’m currently working on another time travel novel, with a really quirky and unexpected twist. And after that, I have a psychological thriller outlined that I’m certain will give Stephen King nightmares and possibly even another Tarot book.  

I could be really dramatic and say that writing saved my life, but that is closer to truth than fiction. For me it’s the best therapy ever and costs no more than the price of pen and paper (The Celtic Knot: Suit of Cups was first written longhand, in red ink because I thought it more romantic *rolls eyes*).

I received an email a couple months ago with a wonderful question posed by an aspiring writer. She asked “What is the most important thing you can tell me about writing?” I thought about that long and hard before I replied. My answer was simple:

Do it.

Just do it.

I don’t care if Nike said it first, this is more important. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never done it before – start now, this minute. Don’t worry about your spelling or if your participles are dangling. Write. Even if you only write three sentences a day, write. Do it on the back of napkins or carry notepads in your pocket. Do it by flashlight after lights out, on the bus, in the bathroom, but do it. Everybody has a story that needs telling - don’t deprive the world of hearing yours.”

Amazon Author Page: http://amzn.to/1MvJXDP

William DeSouza

“Writing for me is a means to escape the reality of life into worlds and times I would never have an opportunity to visit. I have met the most interesting characters in my stories; alien, human and almost human. Men and women, all living an existence I could only dream about. In my mind and in my stories I am able to interact with swashbucklers, adventurers, pirates, lovers, generals, privates, the sick, happy, or euphoric individuals and even villains. I can be who or what I want or just sit back and watch the story unfold as a kind of voyeur. Writing for me is an alternate universe of enjoyment where anything can happen.

As I write, I never have an ending in mind and sometimes I’m not even sure what the next scene is about. The story is allowed to unfold through the dialogue and interactions of the characters as personalities and temperaments intermix. 

Why do I write? Because it’s the best form of escapism I can think of; a diversion from reality and one of the most enjoyable ways to relax and be entertained. And if I can share that satisfaction and pleasure with others it is a wonderful bonus.” 

Tina Donahue

“To live. The same as I need to breathe, eat, and my heart needs to beat
for me to stay alive. I’m not waxing poetic here…this is a cold, hard fact. For me, writing is who I am, the same as my DNA. Can’t live without it. There hasn’t been a time when I didn’t write. When I was nine, I had my first ‘book tour’. I wrote and illustrated a story I called “Dimples
the Adventurous Flea”, about a flea that hopped from dog to dog to ‘travel the world’. When Dimples was on a French poodle, he thought he was in France. An English setter had him in the UK. I made copies of the book and went around my neighborhood selling them to my friends’ parents. No one told me to do that. My parents weren’t even aware I was doing it. You
either want to write or you don’t. If you find yourself making excuses not to write, then you need to find what speaks to your soul. For me, writing does that.”

A.A. Schenna

“Writing a book is a challenge, I love and accept challenges, and I never step back. In my view, words are the oxygen we breathe and I am very happy that I can use words to write stories I like sharing with readers.

Writing makes me feel free; it’s my chance to get past the nasty facts. As a writer it’s my job to draw pictures with words, and when I write a new story, I feel wonderful, it’s like rebirth. All I want is to share these feelings with everyone.

Writing is a great way to expose your true thoughts and your true feelings. Then you have the privilege to watch everyone in silence...” 

Linda Lee Williams

 “I enjoy delving into other peoples’ psyches, especially people who are different from me.  It’s emotionally fulfilling to explore my characters’ lives, the effects their families and friends have wielded on them—to experience their hopes and fears, their dreams and disappointments, and to witness how they deal with the challenges confronting them.  While relating my characters’ stories, I become immersed in their minds.  At the end of the journey, I’ve learned more not only about human nature but also about myself.

When I write a novel, I hope that readers will connect with the characters in an intimate way—that the story enlightens and informs as well as entertains.  Lofty expectations, I know; but without a theme, a book lacks a soul.

I grieve when my “fictional family” bids me farewell.  Although they are gone, they always remain a part of me, and I’m grateful for the time I spent with them.”

Pam Handa

“Ever since I was a little girl (now I am 70), I loved writing, especially poems. My subjects were varied and my work contained thoughts on any and every subject. I have lived amidst a multicultural milieu all my life as well as traveled extensively. Most people I met on the train of life did not know much about India and bombarded me with a host of questions. 

One day it occurred to me that why not satisfy their curiosity and enlighten them through a book. This brought about the inception of my novel, Of Kismet and Karma. In its pages I decided to share my thoughts about the three cultures I was familiar with- The Indian, English and African. Since my aim was also to find similarities and differences, in my novel as well as poems, I try to throw light on the diversity of our beautiful world and drive home the fact that though we all differ in looks and ideologies, the color of blood is always red!  

Once the seed was sown, I soon realized that cultural explanations on their own can be quite boring so in order to enrich my narrative, I decided to spice my work with real life happenings and personal experiences. Though most of my characters are drawn from the people I have come across in my wanderings, there are fictional people and incidents too. The result: a kind of memoir which is a blend of fact and fiction.

To be quite honest, ours is now a modern global village with so much interaction between diverse peoples of the world. I am sure readers will be able to take away much in the form of knowledge about varied customs and traditions as well as the commonality of humanity.”

Amazon Author Page:  http://amzn.to/1S6Ajve

Jim Anders

"10 Reasons Why I Write" by Jim Anders

 1. Because you asked me to, Marie. Dangling that charming carrot on a stick as you are apt to do got this donkey moving forward (Thanks!).
 2. Years of writing advertising for a small advertising company which I co-owned got me in the necessary habit of writing on a daily basis.
 3. Writing helps me to clarify internal dialogue.
 4. I write to communicate, to connect with the world.
 5. ... to build bridges from worlds the future can't return.
 6. ... to relieve stress: writing frees my imagination and increases my resilience.
 7. ... to turn my potential into something palpable.
 8. ... to leave my drunken past behind and to tame the wild beast that lives within me.
 9. Knowing that my book has helped others (read the reviews on the Amazon.com link provided) has been an invaluable bonus and inspiration to write more.
10. To fill space 10 with writing when 9 Reasons would have been sufficient (I'm unstoppable! - Thanks, Marie!)

Rachael Stapleton

“I write because it allows me to enter a world that is completely mine. It's like being inside my favorite show. ​Writing draws me into a secret world. I ​see the characters as they move through my mind, hear the sound of their voice​, watch them move from place to place as they explore my imagination. Basically writing adds magic to everyday, ordinary moments.”

Nathaniel Danes

“The Last Hero Trilogy - I had to write it.

I never thought I'd write a book. Heck, for most of my life, getting beyond page three of any school writing project felt like a Herculean task. I think the difference between now and then, is my writing doesn't feel forced – like the story is there, I just need to get it out. Maybe that's the difference between writing what you want as opposed to what you have to.

Thinking about it now, it almost feels as if The Last Hero grew itself organically rather than having been written. My overactive imagination, love for military history, science fiction addiction, blindness, failed military career, daughter, and more were filtered through my fingers onto the page. It's a nexus where several pieces of my life came together. Believe me, that sounds far easier than it is.

I've always used my imagination as an escape hatch from life. As far back as I can remember, I'd bolt from mundane situations in my mind, transporting myself to excitement and adventure. I'm sure most kids do this, but for me, I've never stopped. Today, I do this as a coping mechanism. I'm losing my sight to a genetic disorder, reason for my failed military career, and I find it relaxing to drift off into worlds where I don't have that limitation.

These fantasies were always content to live inside my head until I read The Forever War. That classic sparked something inside me. Science fiction has always been my preferred genre for TV and movies, but as far as books go, I used to only read military history. After stumbling upon The Forever War, everything changed. I couldn't read enough military science fiction and those stories in my head started to become restless.

I also can't understate the importance of my daughter's birth in helping to shape the story in my first novel. There are a select few things I truly love in his world, my wife for one, so the feeling isn't foreign to me. However, I honestly wasn't prepared for the body blow of raw emotion, of pure unconditional love I felt the second I held my baby girl for the first time. From then on, I couldn't imagine a universe that she wasn't a part of it, where that incredible connection didn't exist. Her presence in my life enriched and brought depth to my fantasy worlds. She brought meaning and purpose to them.

Literally bursting at the seams, I had to get the stories out. So, I started to write and write, then I rewrote and rewrote. Before I knew it, a few years had passed and I'd written four books. Finally, I decided to try and get one published. Fortunately, Solstice Publishing saw fit to give me a chance and agreed to release the The Last Hero. It is the first in a trilogy. Book two, The Last Revenge, was released at the end of April.

If you read my books, I hope you enjoy them and can feel the passion that went into their creation. They are the first of many. I don't have a choice; the stories have to come out.”

Ann Morris

“Writing is something I need to do for several reasons. I am a teacher by nature and by career experience; I am a linguist and am fascinated by languages; I have stories to tell based on true experiences, and I wish to increase positive bonding between children and their adult family members.

When I write, I share part of my heart in story format. I do not want memories that I have shared with others and that are special to be lost. I wish to share them for the blessings they granted me. I write stories that explore daily learning and teaching moments. As I am bilingual, I also wish to encourage literacy in English as well as Spanish, be it for the native speaker or for the language learner. Writing is a treasure trove that allows me to impart many gifts to my loved ones now and to future children that I may not meet, but who may enjoy my experiences.”


Marie Lavender

“I write to answer the call of blood in my veins. I write because the muse won’t let me forget. I write to honor my characters and the stories that compel me to keep telling them.

Writing to me is as essential as breathing. I don’t question the urge to write. I just let it take me and I fly on the freedom of the words spilling onto the page.

I write for my readers, who ask for more stories or want to know their favorite characters a little better. 

Most of all, I write because there is no better way to show the human condition than to observe its many splendors and tragedies, and bring them to the page the best way I know how.”


Well, there you have it. I hope we’ve inspired writers in all stages of their careers, perhaps even reached our readers in some small way. For isn’t that the goal of writing as well? To touch people? To hope that our words have affected at least one person?

Take care, everyone. Have a great rest of your August. And, as always, happy reading! :)


  1. I enjoyed reading all of these comments. What fun! We writers are a different breed unto ourselves; are we not? Great Job putting this together, Marie. Thank you for doing it.

  2. Thanks so much, Marie! A great collection of comments and as diverse are all the authors. :)

  3. What a wonderful and insightful post - thank you so much for letting me be a part of it! Happy Anniversary! :-)

  4. Thanks, Marie! It was fun to read such a wide variety of responses! Appreciate the opportunity to participate.

  5. What a wonderful collection of reasons and insights into writers' minds! I love how many common reasons we all share. Great idea, Marie! :-)

  6. Thanks for letting me be part of this Marie! It's been fun reading everyone's answers. :)

    1. My pleasure, of course! Happy to have you, Dianne!

  7. Props to you for bringing all these answers from such a gathering of wonderful writers, all in one place! Brilliant!

  8. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this. Until next time! Hugs! Isobelle xx

  9. Fantastic, Marie! Thank you for letting me contribute!

  10. Thanks Marie. It had to have been a lot of time and effort, but thank you from all of us! How Fun!

  11. What a joy to read. Thanks Marie.

  12. All of these comments were great! Marie, thanks for all you do for us!

  13. Great blog thank you. Such interesting and varied responses :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kasper, and for your kind comments!

  14. Hi, Marie!
    I loved reading all the responses and put a few links in storage for when I'm finished with the books I'm in the middle of reading now.
    When's your next project? What's your next project?
    Count me in!


  15. Wow, this is amazing, Marie! So comprehensive. Thanks for gathering these all together!

  16. Oops, I was left out, Marie. Thanks for all the great Authors, each was a joy to read.


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