Can you tell us a little bit about your latest book? When did it come out? Where can we get it?
Dark Secrets came out December 24, 2015
(the first of the series). I wrote this book 20+ years ago. My daughter remembered
me typing all the time. I didn't realize she had been reading it. She was nine
at the time. She pulled out what was left of it over the years and told me to
see about getting it published. It was hard because I was clueless about
what I needed to do.
It's available about everywhere online.
My second book, Brewing Storm, would have been out by now but my editor Belinda has had some
misfortunes hit her at once; bless her heart. This is the second book of the
Dark Secrets Series. The third is close to being finished. It is titled Darkest Desires. Then I have three standalone books that I am also working on; Haunting Vision, as well as Shadow Dancer and For the Love of Johnny. That's it for now, that is, unless more words start to haunt me, but hopefully not
until I have finished with these.
Nice! Well, I definitely know how fickle the muse can be. ;)
So, is there anything which prompted Dark Secrets? Something that inspired you?
The words 'Dark Secret' kept coming to me, almost in a
haunting way, and at the time the house we lived in was very haunted to the
point it got so bad we had to pack everything up so quickly just to get out of
there. But I wrote the words down. That didn't do any good so I pulled out my
grandmother's typewriter and soon I built a story around the title. Of
course, back then I had over a thousand + pages but the years passed and I ended
up with less than half, but I remembered the story pretty much.
Writing isn't something I did a lot back then, if at all! I did, however, tell stories. I loved telling stories, but my step-dad didn't find it amusing. I got spankings because he considered it lying, but that wasn't what I thought I was doing. So I stopped doing that.
Oh. :( Sorry to hear that.
Do you have any favorite authors yourself, Mikki?
V.C. Andrews, Nora Roberts, and George
Martin (Game of Thrones).
Nora Roberts is one of my favorites too! you write in a specific place? Time of day?
I write wherever my laptop is; usually
in the living room or the kitchen table. I don't have a specific time, just when
the voices start speaking loudly to me.
All right.
Are there any words you'd like to impart to fellow writers? Any advice?
The only thing I can tell other
writers just starting out is be careful. I can't edit worth a darn; that is not
a gift for me, but there are so many out there that are waiting to devour you
and take your money. I spent over 2,000 dollars until I ran into two women who
are honest and would never take advantage. Plus don't just jump into signing
with a publisher until you have done your homework. If you sign with a small
publisher just know chances are they will take over half your royalties, and you
will have to do your own promoting, which means you pay for your promoting. So
if it means signing with a small publisher or going Indie, to me (and it's only
my opinion) Indie is the better way; you have full control over your
But mainly, don't give up on your dream. Chase it, run after it,
grab it and don't let go! Sometimes our dreams are the only things in life that
we have left.
Thank you for offering those words of wisdom to our readers, Mikki.
I agree; scams do exist. Before I signed on with a publisher, I made sure that the contract was standard for the industry.
Thanks so much for stopping
by to visit us here today at Writing in the Modern Age. It was wonderful
having you! :)
Misty’s family hid a dark secret from her. Until the coven came to
claim what they believe belongs to them. They're chosen ones, to lead the
coven to become the most powerful. It is written the twins whom they
separated at birth are to reign together as one to keep the bloodline
pure. When Misty refuses to stand with them, hell will break loose.
Here is an excerpt.
October 31, 1975
Branches snapped in the high winds
as Misty Quinlin struggled not to cry out in pain from the freezing rain
pelting against her wounds. Stopping was not an option. That would mean eternal
death. She needed to find a way out of the dark, dangerous forest to ensure the
survival of her soul. The storm was ravenous, ready to devour anything in its
The evil coven, whose powers were increased due to the rare blood moon, were lurking somewhere in the woods searching for her. Laura, Misty’s best friend, warned her that more evil occurred during this moon phase than at any other time.
The only light she had was from the full moon- appearing unlike any she had ever seen; it became much clearer once the rain slowed down and the clouds parted. But the storms in Indiana were unpredictable.
Lightning continued to flash across the midnight sky, but it was of little help. The trees were tall enough that their branches extended out as far as the eye could see, giving the illusion that the ends of the branches disappeared in the sky.
She was at the mercy of darkness when the clouds gathered, hiding the moon. The streaks of lightning were of little help. Feeling her way through the woods, in hopes of finding a road before the evil was to find her, and leaning her beaten, broken body against the nearest tree, she tried to catch her breath. Misty needed to keep moving forward; the evil that preyed upon her made it nearly impossible for her to walk, let alone run for her life as she desperately fought to find the strength to continue. She hoped she would run into one of her friends, but she felt they had probably fallen victim to Bob or one of the members of his coven. They weren’t the kind that allowed anyone to leave. Those who dared leave must hide what they practiced; they knew if they were found out there would be another witch hunt in America.
Purchase Links:
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Wow! This
book sounds intriguing! I love witchy stories!
We'll be sure to check out this young adult paranormal novel!
We'll be sure to check out this young adult paranormal novel!
Author Bio

Her book, Dark Secrets, is based on places in the area.
Mikki is married, has four children, as well as grandchildren.
Mikki endeavors to take her readers into the world of magic, evil, murder, friendship, love, lust, and complete terror, creating a world and book series that readers want to visit time and again!
Author Mikki Smith loves writing fiction where anything is possible including the impossible, creating new characters and worlds with no condemnation or remorse.
Author Links:
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Mikki's Book:
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