Can you tell us a little bit about your latest book? When did it come out? Where can we get it?
It's available as an eBook on Kindle and Kobo and on
paperback from Amazon. It is also available at The Book Depository, Ringwood Publishing and from all
good UK Bookshops.
Is there anything that prompted your latest book? Something that inspired you?
The old adage "no good deed goes unpunished".
Every now and again you'll either pick up the newspaper or watch the news and
see some story where some Good Samaritan helps someone out of a sticky
situation only for it to come back and, pardon the phrase, bite them on the
LOL. So, when did you know you wanted to write? Or
has it always been a pastime of yours?
I've always fancied giving it a go. I used to write short
stories for my kids when they were younger. They seemed to enjoy them and now
that they've grown up a bit, I thought I'd get my teeth stuck into something a
bit more substantial. So I wrote Good Deed, my first novel.
Do you have any favorite authors?
Loads. Lee Child, Patricia Cornwell, Ian Rankin. I've
recently been getting into George
R.R. Martin. I'm currently reading through his A Song of Ice and Fire series.
Do you write in a specific place? Time of day?
I work long hours, I seldom get home before eight p.m. each
night, so I usually don't get around to my writing until about 10 p.m. Once my
kids are settled down Ill put on some music, on my iPod of course, I don't want
to waken any one up! Then I'll usually write for maybe about two or three
hours. This, of course, means that I end up going to work the following morning
looking like a crack addict! LOL.
*Laughs.* Oh, yes, I'm familiar with burning the midnight oil for a story.
Are there any words you'd like to impart
to fellow writers, Steve? Any advice?
Stick at the writing and learn to accept rejection and criticism. It comes with
the territory.
Good advice. So, inquiring minds want to know. What are you currently working on?
I'm currently writing my second DI Buchanan novel Cold Shot. It's a dark tale of revenge
set during a particularly nasty winter in Aberdeen.
Here is the blurb for Good Deed.
Good Deed is a fast
paced crime novel that captures the reader from beginning to end.
Described by one reviewer as “Christopher Brookmyre on
speed, with more thrills and less farce”, the gripping story of Good Deed
rattles along relentlessly, leaving the reader breathless but enthralled. Good
Deed introduces a new Scottish detective hero, DI Ronnie Buchanan, who is
certain to quickly attract a legion of fans.
The events crammed into Good Deed take Buchanan from his
base in Aberdeen on a frantic journey around all the major Scottish cities as
his increasingly deadly pursuit of a mysterious criminal master mind known only
as Vince comes to a breath-taking climax back in Aberdeen.
The pace of Good Deed is exceptional and unremitting. It is
the kind of book that demands to be read in one sitting, but most readers will
be so breathless as the saga unfolds without pause that they will need
occasional rests before eagerly returning for more.
Here is an excerpt from Good Deed.
Kennedy pulled of the motorway following the road signs to the Road Chef
restaurant just outside Dundee.
It was notoriously expensive but she had no choice,
she was exhausted and in need of some caffeine.
She had made good time despite the earlier mishap with
the flat tyre but thanks to a helpful stranger shed been back on the road in
about ten minutes.
As she entered the restaurant, dazed from the long
drive she failed to notice Mark and Liam sitting outside in their parked car
but they noticed Lucy leaving hers and forgetting to lock up.
“Here we go,” said Liam.
Mark and Liam were two
habitual criminals who prowled the country seeking victims at roadside
restaurants and other such places, they never failed to be amazed by the amount
of road users who shattered from a long drive and in need of a coffee
would stumble into these restaurants leaving their cars unlocked making their
job so much more easier.
Once they had left their vehicle and entered the
restaurant, Liam would pull alongside in his car giving Mark cover to rummage
through the car to see what bounty awaited them.
On this particular day they struck gold.
“Holy shit!” said Mark
as he unzipped the tartan holdall lying in the back seat. What he'd found were
two large packages of white powder well wrapped up in cling film, he knew they
must contain a drug of some sort, smack, speed or coke it didn't really matter
because judging by the quantity it would be worth a whole load of cash on the
street. He took the packages out of the bag, zipped it back up and jumped into
Liam's car “wait ' till you see what I've got here buddy” he showed Liam what
he'd found.
“Check this, man, it's got to be worth a small
“Jesus,” said Liam. “What’s a lassie like her doing
carting all that shit about on her own?”
“No idea but it's our shit now, let's go.”
They pulled out of the car park, re-joined the
motorway and drove off under the grey, cloud covered sky towards the centre of
Lucy, totally unaware of
what had just happened, carried her overpriced espresso to the nearest table,
sat down and peeled open the small stick shaped packets of brown sugar, poured
them into her cup and began to stir her coffee for an inordinate amount of
time. She had things preying on her mind some bugging her more than others the
main thing of course being how the hell she had gotten herself involved as a
drug courier. It had started off small time, a block of weed here and there.
Her flat mate Julie had convinced her it was easy money and right enough it did
help supplement her meagre university grant, but then she'd got greedy, she
took on bigger and bigger amounts, and now four kilos of coke.
She reminisced on how it
had all started. It was a typical student's night out, a meal at the local curry
house, followed by a pub crawl round Newington. They were a party of six, a
strange mix of people, Lucy, her flatmate Julie, Deborah, a mature student big
on size and personality, Joe and Eric two gay guys who shared a flat on the
floor below and Eric, the cause of all Lucy's troubles.
Eric was a strange guy, the cool student that no one really knew much about, Jim Morrison reincarnated. He picked up the tab for everything, the meal, the drinks, even the taxi home.
She remembered thinking, Jesus this guy must have money coming out his ass, only later on that night back at her flat did she find out where this money came from.
“I deliver a few packages,” he told her as he skinned up a joint on one of Lucy's album covers, one of her favourites. “It’s easy money,” he said. "I could fix you up with the main man if you like".
And that was it, Lucy was in. No more shitty own brand label food from the local supermarket, no more eking out her meagre grant, life was looking up. Or so she thought.
Because of her straight looking plain appearance she was perfect for the task, .because she was so perfect she found herself getting all the bigger jobs. She was quite happy at first, let's face it bigger job bigger pay off. But then the paranoia set in, this couldn’t last; eventually she'd get caught. What would her family say? What if she ended up in jail? All that studying would have gone to waste.
Well this would be the last, she wanted out and she'd
tell them today as soon as she dropped off the package but she’d have to be
careful how she went about it, it wasn't like packing in any normal job, a
quick goodbye, a few drinks at the end of the last day and then you're off, these
guys were scary so she would have to be tactful.
She bought another coffee to go, got her car keys out
of her bag and returned to her car to complete the journey.
When she got to her car
her heart skipped a beat, shit!, it's unlocked, panicking she looked in the
back seat, the holdall was still there, she caught her breath, tried to calm
down a bit and got in her car and headed on her way.
Author Bio
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Twitter: @schristieauthor
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