Can you tell us a little bit about your latest book? When did it come out? Where can we get it?
Transgression is a YA novel entwined with mystery,
suspense and a touch of the supernatural. It's also my debut novel. The story is based on freewill and
what happens when a person gives in to sin (realized or not). It releases on
October 21st and will be available on Amazon.
Great! Congratulations on your upcoming release!
I wanted to write a story that
illustrates what it looks like when a person is being persuaded by evil
forces--spiritual and mundane. In Transgression,
when Amber gives in to sin, that particular sin latches onto her in the form
of a spiritual chain. The more she gives in to sin, the chains
move upward, binding her with more force/power.
Sounds interesting!
I’ve always enjoyed reading, but my love for books blossomed in my late thirties. I was taking online classes at Liberty University when this unexpected passion to write took place.
Nice! It's fascinating to hear about an author's journey. :)
Mandy Fender
(author of the Defier Series), Nadine Brandes (author of the Out of Time
Series), C.S. Lewis and Frank E. Peretti.…
All right.
It varies.
Sometimes I write in bed, other times I write in the living room (with the TV
on for background noise). TV and music seem to make writing more enjoyable, a
little bit easier.
Wow! I'm glad that works for you. Most of the time I need silence, although certain types of music seem to spur creativity for me. I don't think the TV could serve as anything more than a distraction for me when I'm writing. LOL.
So, are there any words you'd like
to impart to fellow writers? Any advice?
Writing schedules are great, but if you
don’t have one, write as
often as you can. Passion, consistency, and perseverance will eventually turn
your story into a completed manuscript.
And thank you so much for stopping
by to visit us here today at Writing in the Modern Age. It was so nice
having you! :)
Agent Yagil faces the fight of his calling as a Guardian Angel. His newest assignment is going to take every bit of perseverance and patience he has.
Seventeen-year-old Amber Reynolds is looking for some freedom and independence
from her rigid lifestyle. Going behind her parents’ back, she takes a part-time job at the renowned inn
located within Ambrosial Acres.
As Agent Yagil watches over Amber, he discovers things are not what they seem.
Despite its wondrous beauty, Ambrosial Acres hides a dark and supernatural
Between Amber’s new coworker crushes, her menacing
stalker, a mysterious online stranger, and the evil agents out to lead her down
a path of self destruction, Agent Yagil struggles to keep her safe. To keep her
from using her freewill that will bring harm to herself--and others.
Will Agent Yagil succeed? Or will his shortcomings get in the way?
Here is an excerpt.
minutes had gone by since Amber went into the girls’ restroom. What was she
doing in there? Shaving her legs? Texting someone? The door swung open and I
tilted my head, squinting. Before she walked in, she had on a white cardigan
and khaki pants, but now she wore a black hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans.
She must have stashed another set of clothes into her backpack—when
I wasn’t looking. About the makeup, she didn’t have any on this morning either.
She looked like a raccoon, and I was itching to wipe off her thick layer of
obsidian eyeliner. Her dark red lipstick irritated me even more.
Is it a form of rebellion? An
attempt to target the opposite sex? Or is it a way to fit in with her peers?
I picked up the pace as she rushed upstairs. She slid into a desk
at the back of the room as I leaned my back against the cold wall. A group of
teenagers occupied the remaining desks.
Amber tilted her head to the side as if studying something.
But that was impossible! If she could truly see me, she’d jump out
of her desk, stumble to the floor, and run out of the classroom, screaming at
the top of her lungs. Or she would faint before she had a chance to do either
of those things.
Curious to know what she was really
looking at, I turned around. It was a chart—a very visual one—of the
reproductive system. Of course, out of all the classes we could be in, we had
to be inside Sex Ed.
After five classes, second period lunch, and several bathroom breaks, the last
bell of the day finally buzzed. She raced to the parking lot and cranked up her
Jeep. Once she left the school grounds she sped all the way to Coppice Lane.
She slammed on the brakes and whipped the wheel to the left. I, on the other
hand, continued to go straight, heading for a group of laurels. Oomph!
I better get a promotion for
I peeled my face off the tree and spit out a few leaves, then
followed her down the road for another mile. She came to a halt in front of the
wrought iron gates. Cherubim statutes, crisscrossing their swords, towered
above them. A metal sign—right above their heads—said WELCOME TO AMBROSIAL
The gates swung open and the Jeep crept through.
A tall man with a brawny physique walked out in the middle of the
road. His long, jet-black hair blew behind him as he threw a hand up, signaling
her to stop.
“Welcome. I’m Micah…the groundskeeper.” He studied her for a brief
moment, and then continued, “If you’re here to visit the Inn, then proceed down
this road until you reach the four-way intersection. Follow the sign that says
SOUTH. When you arrive, you’ll see a wooded parking lot.”
“Thanks.” Amber smiled timidly.
He eyeballed the Jeep as she drove away, his blue eyes glinting
immensely. With a man like that guarding the front entrance, intruders didn’t stand
a chance.
Almond blossoms with pink petals lined either side of the road. A
group of men worked in the vibrant green fields lying right behind them. Some
were pushing wheelbarrows while the others raked up leaves. They waved at Amber
as she drove by.
A young man with safety glasses, holding a leaf blower, looked up
and grinned in my direction. My nerves became unsettled.
Can he see me?
But then he pulled his gaze away, blowing grass and flower petals
everywhere. Okay, that made the second
time today when I questioned the invisibility function of my suit. I better
have it checked out by one of the celestial tailors—just in case.
She arrived at the four-way intersection. The wooden signs on the
lampposts rocked back and forth, each one engraved with the four cardinal
points—north, south, east, and west. A set of wrought iron gates stood behind
Don't forget to mark your calendars for October 21st, readers!
Author Bio

loves spending time with the Lord and her family. She's a fangirl of
everything lovely, and always tries to see the best in everyone, except for the
villains in her YA series Ambrosial Acres.
When she’s not blogging or writing her latest article, she listens to sermons while sweating away unwanted calories, cleans the house until it sparkles, laughs at the silliest things, and enjoys the outdoors, especially her daily walks through the enchanted forest.
Of course there’s more to be said, but then her bio would end up being a memoir.
When she’s not blogging or writing her latest article, she listens to sermons while sweating away unwanted calories, cleans the house until it sparkles, laughs at the silliest things, and enjoys the outdoors, especially her daily walks through the enchanted forest.
Of course there’s more to be said, but then her bio would end up being a memoir.
Author Links:
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