My guest today is Diana Rubino. Hello, Diana! Welcome back to Writing in the Modern Age! It’s great to see you again.
Can you tell us a little bit about your latest book? When did it come out? Where can
we get it?
The End of Camelot is book #3 of my New York Saga. The Wild Rose Press is releasing the three books in reverse order. It was released in March.
Vikki Ward's husband, a TV reporter, is murdered trying to prevent the
assassination of John F. Kennedy. Vikki uses her detective skills to trace the
conspiracy, from New York to New Orleans to Dallas, and at the same time,
tricks her husband’s murderer into a confession. A romance with her bodyguard
makes her life complete.
You can buy it for Kindle or paperback:
The Wild Rose Press Paperback:
The Wild Rose Press E-book
Is there anything that
prompted your latest book? Something that inspired you?
is going to date me, but I was six years old when President Kennedy was
assassinated. Everyone who was alive that day knew exactly where they were and
what they were doing when they heard the news. I was in my first grade
classroom. The teacher got a call on the classroom phone and told us ‘the
president was shot.’ A collective gasp went around the room. It was ten years
before I saw the footage of Ruby shooting Oswald, on a documentary.
My grandmother was a huge JFK assassination buff. She listened to all the radio
talk shows and recorded them. She got me embroiled right along with her. I
never lost my fascination with all the conspiracy theories. I always wanted to
write a novel centering on this event, and it fit in perfectly as the third
book in this series.
So, when did you know you wanted to write? Or has it always been a pastime of yours?
I had a notebook in grammar school that I filled with short stories. I also liked to draw comic books with people I knew as characters. Of everything I tried, it seemed writing was what I did best. Coupled with my passion for history, I decided to follow my dream.
Do you have any favorite authors?
Yes, several: Barbara Erskine is a British author who writes very creepy paranormals set on the coast of Essex. I'll read anything with her name on it.
Margaret George wrote one of my favorites of all time: The Autobiography of
Henry VIII, a spectacular journey back to the Tudor court.
I also have been reading Lawrence Block's murder mysteries for many years.
So, do you write in a specific place? Time of day?
I write at my computer in my office in front of my window which faces west, so I get beautiful sunsets. Not a morning person; I write in the afternoon. I don't stop till I've written at least 2500 words a day.
Wow! Yeah, I'm not a morning person either. LOL.
Are there any words you'd like to impart to fellow writers? Any advice?
I’d like to tell any aspiring authors who are frustrated that it’s taken them three, four, five or more years to get that first contract. I wrote for 18 years before getting ‘the call’ so never give up! Keep believing, and keep the faith! And of course, keep writing, because you’ll only get better.
Those are some very wise words, Diana.
you so much for stopping by to visit us today here at Writing in the
Modern Age. It was such a pleasure having you. :)
Readers, here is the blurb for The End of Camelot.
November 22, 1963: The assassination
of a president devastates America. But a phone call brings even more tragic
news to Vikki Ward—her TV reporter husband was found dead in his Dallas hotel
room that morning.
Finding his notes, Vikki realizes
her husband was embroiled in the plot to kill JFK—but his mission was to
prevent it. When the Dallas police rule his death accidental, Vikki vows to
find out who was behind the murders of JFK and her husband. With the help of
her father and godfather, she sets out to uncover the truth.
Aldobrandi Po, the bodyguard hired
to protect Vikki, falls in love with her almost as soon as he sets eyes on her.
But he's engaged to be married, and she’s still mourning her husband. Can they
ever hope to find happiness in the wake of all this tragedy?
Here is an excerpt from the book.
It was New
Year’s Eve, they were alone, and he was harmless. So far. So she took the
necessary two paces over to him and placed the honey ball between his
custom-made choppers.
He closed his
eyes, and she watched him savoring the sweetness. She didn’t dare say another
word as she ran her index finger over a glob of cream on the cannoli plate,
raised it to her lips and licked. “Mmmm,” she voiced, wishing she hadn’t.
Their eyes met
and locked. Faster than lightning, they came together like magnets. Their lips
met, sweet and sticky and hot. She didn’t want him to stop, but her inner voice
screamed how wrong it was—It’s forbidden!—echoing
the nuns in Saint Gustina’s. She shooed it away like an annoying fly. Leave me alone, I’m not a kid anymore.
Her arms circled his neck, and his hands slid down to the curve of her back.
Dare she move in closer, pelvis to pelvis, an unthinkable act three seconds
ago? Her body was betraying her, betraying Jack, taking on a will of its own as
she crushed herself to him. The kiss intensified. She tasted cannoli, and her
fogged mind told her he’d been sampling them all day. She breathed in his
cologne, so foreign it repelled her, so new it aroused her even further. Her
tiara slipped off her head. She caught it just as he pulled away.
He held her at
arm’s length as in a tango. “Oh, cara mia,”
he growled—and if he said another word in Italian, she knew she’d explode. A
passion long dormant stirred inside her.
Author Bio
Diana Rubino’s passion for history and travel
has taken her to every locale of her stories, set in Medieval and Renaissance
England, Egypt, the Mediterranean, colonial Virginia, New England, and New
York. Her urban fantasy romance, FAKIN’ IT, won a Top Pick award from Romantic
Times. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, the Richard III Society
and the Aaron Burr Association. She lives on Cape Cod with her husband Chris.
In her spare time, Diana bicycles, golfs, plays her piano and devours books of
any genre.
Author Links:
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Diana's Books:
Coming Soon:
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