Interview with Author Henry Anderson

My guest today is author Henry Anderson. Hello! Welcome to Writing in the Modern Age! It’s such a pleasure to have you here.

Can you tell us a little bit about your latest book? When did it come out? Where can we get it?

My first novel was published on September 1st. It’s an adventure story about a teenager whose only chance of survival is to travel through a dangerous device called “The Mouth” that transports you to different worlds.

You can find it on Amazon.


So, is there anything that prompted The Mouth? Something that inspired you?

I had a health scare, which basically spurred me into action. I’m an ex-journalist and I have written stuff but never a novel. I’m glad I did. I’m already several thousand words into my next one.
Oh, that's the best part, isn't it? When the words are flowing like magic? ;) 
Sorry to hear about your health scare, though.

Let's try a different question.
When did you know you wanted to write? Or has it always been a pastime of yours?

I’ve written stories since I first learned to write. I’ve always been a daydreamer so writing is taking it a step further and writing it down.
Awesome! It's fascinating to hear about an author's journey. :)

Do you have any favorite authors yourself, Henry?

I’m a big fan of American gothic writers from Charles Brockden Brown - who wrote in the early days of the Republic - to modern writers like Stephen King and Joyce Carol Oates. I’m also a big fan of adventure stories from Robert Louis Stevenson to Bernard Cornwell.

So, do you write in a specific place? Time of day?

I have a laptop which I carry around with me everywhere. I wrote quite a lot of The Mouth in coffee shops.
Are there any words you'd like to impart to fellow writers? Any advice?
I’m still on a big learning curve so I don’t feel qualified to give much advice. Basically find time in your schedule to write.
Thank you for offering those words of wisdom to our readers. You're so right! 

And thank you so much for stopping by to visit us here today at Writing in the Modern Age. It was wonderful having you!  :)
Readers, here is the blurb for The Mouth.

When sixteen-year-old Jack's hometown is burned down and his family killed his only chance of survival is to travel through a device called “The Mouth” that opens doors into other worlds.

He must do the impossible—find the world that gave his enemies their extraordinary power and travel to a place known simply as “The Maximum.”

The Mouth is a gritty science-fantasy adventure about hope, resolve, and finding the courage to carry on fighting even when all seems lost. 

Here is an excerpt.

The forest was a dark line ahead of them. 
Badger disappeared into the woods. 
A bullet smacked into a window frame by Jack’s feet. He climbed up a heap of rubble and jumped into the treeline. 
Birch saplings broke his fall. 
Soon he was sprinting amongst the old, broad- leaved trees of the Weald. 
The noise behind him died away.His boots crunched on frozen leaf mould.
Two notes from a horn sounded in the air. 
Badger stepped out from behind the bulbous trunk of an old beech tree. 
“What was that?” said Jack.
Sweat steamed from Badger’s hair. He said, “They won’t want to do us straight off. Those fellers like to take their time.” 
“What can we do?” 
“When I was a kid, my old man used to lay something on the ground to put them off the scent, like wild garlic. Or a blood trail. The dogs like blood, you see.” 
Jack pulled a string necklace out of his jumper. A key hung from it. 
“I know a place near here where we can hide,” he said. 

Purchase Links:

Amazon Universal:

This book sounds riveting! We'll be sure to check it out!
Author Bio 

Henry Anderson is a former news reporter who has worked for national UK newspapers. He studied English at Magdalen College, Oxford. Henry Anderson blogs on literature and writing, mostly. His first novel, The Mouth, has just been published by Solstice Publishing.
Author Links:

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